From The Shadows

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My New Mantra

To be old is a glorious thing when one has not unlearned what it means to begin . . .- Martin Buber

I usually use little PostIt flags to mark passages in books I'm reading. I tried using highlighters for a while, but I was never able to get around the disturbing feeling I was somehow vandalizing the authors work every time I drug that blocky fluorescent sponge across the words which were having such impact on me.

So I use flags instead, and oft times end up with a tome whose edges have gone fuzzy with white and yellow and blue bits of tape waving about, calling "Look here! Look here!".

When I'm done I open up whichever word processor I'm currently favouring and go back through the book, carefully removing the enthusiastic markers for reuse, taking down the notes and quotes I felt added to the wonder in my life.

But I've yet to grab a set of flags out for Buber, and seem to be coming here to store the distilled bits of wisdom flowing out of Meetings.