Hope And Patience
With the recent release of macOS Catalina, I'm eager to start experimenting with SwiftUI and the new code based interface construction available with Xcode 11 and the new OS.
I've been watching some tutorials for it, chiefly Paul Hudson's, and while what I've watched are all for iOS not macOS, there is plenty enough crossover to get me started.
My problem is twofold, however:
1) Catalina breaks programs I need to do my job (one of them's a bit of abandonware I'm rewriting myself, but with things like Hazel, I'm forced to wait.
2) Apple's track records with the latest release of iOS and iPadOS is terrible, and I'm worried Catalina's gonna be delivered in the same broken fashion.
Even assuming SwiftUI allows me to deal better with interface elements and gives me opportunity to write cleaner, more powerful code, at this point it would take months to port the office programs over, and my plate's already overflowing.
So I do have hope of improvement for my design problems, or at least a bit of help, just not terribly soon.