Wrapped In Joy

Part of today's work will be transcribing all the beach scribbling I did when I was in Galveston last week, which brings to mind the three things which stand out from that trip.
The first was how much I enjoyed the drive there and back due partially to the beauty of the landscape, but mostly because of a podcast I discovered and loaded up on right before I left: Philosophy For Our Times.
Made by the Institue of Art and Ideas in London, I hadn't realized how much my current work and habits had removed me from having my imagination and critical thinking challenged, and how much I missed that. I particularly enjoyed E155 - The Morality of the Left and Right for Sophie Walkers arguments about the failure of all the parties in regards to women.
The second thing was rediscovering how much I enjoy playing in the waves. The insistent pull and sudden push, the smell of hot sand and kelp, the briny taste. I spent a couple hours both days just standing chest deep in the surf, navigating the ocean's motion and warm embrace. It's been a very long time since I've let myself enjoy the beach like that.
Finally, I got stung by a jellyfish for the first time in my life. Hit my bicep like a tiny lightening strike, and burned for 10 minutes or so. It briefly left a collection of angry welts, but the pain was mostly gone a half hour later, and all signs of trauma had disappeared within another hour. It's good to have new experiences?