From The Shadows

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At Least There's No R.O.U.S.

Gathered all the stray bits of projects and orphaned to-do's into OmniFocus, but I haven't had as much luck as I'd hoped using Youtube as a source of gaining greater wisdom in organizing them.

Yes, it might be because I get distracted watching things like True Facts: Pangolins Posse, but it's also because most of the tubes I find are either for beginners or are about tips and tricks. Might be worthwhile buying access to LinkedIn Learning for a month as they have a couple of courses specifically for OF and innumerable ones on project management in general.

With the recent dump into OF, it's become an absolute swamp in there, complete with ghosts, bog witches, monster trees, and congregations of frogs and ravens croaking back and forth over who gets my bones. Scary, is what I'm saying. Really, really scary.