Arkansas in October

Need another workation just to clean up some code.

I had thought to do a little of it during my trip to Galveston, but I'd forgotten the power cable for my laptop, which made that a no go.

Honestly, I would have done it anyways on that trip, as I had more than enough brainstorming to do which was perfect for sitting on the beach with a pen and a stack of paper. Coding would've required I be back in my hotel room, which was a bit of a hovel with no view whatsoever (it was cheap).

For coding I need to go someplace with power and a view, either from the room I'm in or a lounge/coffee shop type work area. Where I can look out upon mountains or ocean or forests when I glance up from all the spaghetti code I'll be trying to untangle into a dish more organized. A lasagne, perhaps.