Seeing The Unseen
Gonna try to keep further Traveling Witch posts to my Instagram and Twitter accounts (unless something truly delightful crops up), but I did want to talk about why I'm suddenly playing with dolls.
I don't remember how I initially came across Jon Carling on the Twitters. It was probably Seelie Wight as she constantly shares all kinds of wonderful things, but it may have been one of the artists I follow there, I honestly don't remember.
The Traveling Witch is one of the recurring characters in Carling's fantasticly whimsical art, and occasionally he will hand cast some figurines from resin and sell them on his Etsy store. I mainly just wanted the odds and ends of art he includes in the packing with them, but I was happy enough to also have the figurine (which I'll refer to as TW from here).
I have no idea how the meme of photographing TW out in the world began, but there are hash tags and groups through the interwebs dedicated to it. Mr. Carling would sometimes retweet those posts and they struck a chord.
Here's the thing, these pictures of TW exploring the world in their diminuitive state, making the ordinary into the fantastical, creating myths from the shape of a branch, the color of a stone, is something I've been doing in my head since childhood.
A bed of moss, a hole in the ground, the crook of a tree, since I can remember I've imagined what these things would be like if I could shrink myself down and explore them at TW's scale.
I still can't do that, of course, but as I wander to and fro I can use TW as a stand in, capturing in pictures a sense of what I experience in my imagination. Vacation photos of my daydreams.