2020's Looking Bright

I don't have anything in the way of personal resolutions for 2020 (except seeing WILD perform live somewhere, and that's not really a resolution), so instead of manufacturing a list of things to be disappointed about come December, I'm going to take a page from CGP Grey and pick a theme for the year.

In light of how happy I ended up being with last year I hereby dub 2020 the Year of Consolidation.

Having made such marked progress in terms of physical, mental, and relational health, I think it would be worth spending a year being mindful of the changes and habits which brought about that health and look for ways to improve and integrate them into a stronger, more foundational part of my character.

With eating, for example, I need to examine my success with both dieting and understanding the effect anxiety can have on my eating patterns in order to develop a better long term relationship with nutrition in terms of physical and mental health.

Similarly, a considered understanding of the behaviors and attitudes which contributed to the improvement in my closest relationships should allow me to more deeply inhabit those changes and widen the circle of people I apply them to.