
I'm a very late comer to the show Community.

I like watching people be kind to each other. Thinking about it, I realize now it's one of the main reasons I'm so attracted to Robin Williams.

He was sharp as a whip and twice as fast, so there was the joy of an engaged intellect in watching him, but more than that he was charming in a way which usually came from being kind. His wit often did make others the butt of a given joke, but it rarely felt malicious, and his general behavior exhibited a genuine sense of empathy and kindness.

Similarly, Jimmy Stewart's take on Elwood Dowd in the movie Harvey. A sot, certainly, but also a person with a genuine interest in others and their well being. People were worth both his time and attention.

Community has it's share of standard sitcom characters in Jeff, Britta, and Pierce, and Shirley's depth of kindness is shallowed by the enforced connections to a judgmental form of Christianity, but Abed, Troy, Annie, and Dean Pelton are characters grounded in true affection for others. They find intrinsic meaning in treating each other with dignity and joy, even when they aren't receiving it, and I love watching them interact when they're firing on those cylinders.

I wish more shows would be brave enough to leave the sitcom snark and soap opera drama behind to tell stories about people just enjoying each other's company.