We finally got N95 masks in for the staff thanks to the diligent efforts of our office manager.
Masks are one of the last bits required to open the office up again, the other being COVID testing, which we're doing today. It'll still be another week before we have patients back in for visits, but I'm bringing the staff back next week to start prepping.
We need to clean, take inventory, re-set up equipment which had been moved to employee homes, make sure we're all on the same page in terms of implementing safety precautions, and then check to see if there's anything else we can do to keep patients and staff safe when we fully open the following week.
I'm quite over this whole COVID19 thing myself, but I'm also well aware COVID's not over us. If I take shortcuts out of emotional exhaustion and apathy I become culpable for causing harm which is not a situation I'll accept.
Our daily visits are down about 30% for reasons both real and specious, but our income is down by almost 50%, so while keeping staff and patients safe, I do need to figure out how to ramp things back up in shortest possible order, which is going to be the most stressful part of June for me.
I still have issues accepting I can't control all the parts of a system and, in a situation like this, non-acceptance is just fuel for a raging bonfire of anxiety. Managing that fire will be as important as solving the problem stoking it.
I also have to figure out what to do about the world at large. My wife and I have been on lockdown for the last two months, but once staff and patients return our quarantine is over. I'm unsure if or how to take advantage of that.
They gym opens back up next week, and I miss lifting, but I'm not sure it's a reasonable activity to engage in at the moment. I also need building supplies for projects at the house, and I likely will be making a Lowe's trip at some point.
I also miss the theater terribly, and while so far none of our venues have announced any performances, it's going to be a hard call when they do.
In the meantime, Gordi's released a brilliant EP out ahead of her next full album: