MG: Abusing Chomsky

The human brain has evolved physical manifestations of language. Structures throughout itself which deal not simply with sound as an environmental phenomena, but with language as a means of both internal and external explication and communication.

Brains large and small, insectile and mammalian, have developed to deal with environmental stimuli like light, sound, and gravity, allowing them to successfully navigate and dominate their habitués evolving according to the presence and influence of these external forces on their environments; a whale’s experience of sound and gravity are very different from that of an owl, and their brains and bodies have physically responded over time in different ways to make the most of their particular experiences. The human brain, in turn, has responded to deal with the forces of a different layer of reality: narrative.

Enter the Quiditas, exerting a very specific pressure and influence, effecting the development of the human brain in order to be better perceived, interacted with, and used to improved the ability of humankind to survive and procreate.

"Who Holds Your Hand?" - MG - WIP

Margaret’s eyes flashed at Corr. “I am NOT afraid of the ‘dark truths’ about myself. The only way I have to move forward is seeking out and embracing those truths in hopes of transforming them into something brighter.”

She was startled to see a somber softening in Corr’s features, a dampening of the constant hunger and hate scarring his mouth and eyes. “What I am afraid of,” she lowered her voice and defiance, “terrified of, in truth, is facing those truths alone.”

The Truth About Gravity - MG

"Ever dearest Maggie," Corr laughed, "any passerby with wings can make you feel like you're flying, be it angel or vulture you'll likely not know 'til it drops you."

In the depth of his self satisfied wit she could once again sense a hundred razor wire teeth at her throat.

"No, life is less about the people who make you believe you're flying, and more about the one's you know will catch you."